IoT Water

End to end, long-range, wireless water management solutions


Complete water management solutions for crops, pasture, horticulture, viticulture, nurseries, sports grounds, parks and recreation and other municipal use

IoT Water

Our modular solutions enable you to see the full picture of how your water is used - from take, to storage and use.

We deliver practical insights to help you get the maximum value out of your precious water resource, while helping you meeting your environmental goals.

Web-based access and device control functions include: sprinkler control, soil moisture levels, dam and water levels, pump operations, as well as leak detection, water flow and water quality measurement.

Our solutions feature locally made IoT technology built to last for tough New Zealand geographies and climates, connected with common-sense software. Our devices are simple to install (we ship pre-configured). They come with a >5-year battery life, and work in conjunction with major brand sprinklers and other water infrastructure hardware.

Talk to us about your next water management and measurement project.

Storage and Take

Our Storage solution can provide a complete view of your water storage on site, with a network of sensors reporting dam, pond and tank levels, and actual rainfall.

Our app presents the individual and total stored water volume on one dashboard, so users can accurately budget their water resource and monitor their use. Custom notifications alert when permit limits or stored water levels drop. Combined with forecast data and usage information, the system predicts future water volume needs, allowing users to plan with confidence.

Water take measurement and reporting ensures users meet the requirements of any water provider, permits or regulatory bodies.

Irrigation Management

Irrigation Management will help you take control and maintain oversight across your system when you are not there.

Our devices are programmed remotely to control sprinklers and pumps. Our irrigation system provides operational reporting and alerts when issues arise to help you manage effectively.

Users can optimise their irrigation to remain within water permit or regulatory limits, making the best use of their precious resource to maximise growth.

Leaks & Flow

Leaks & Flow enables users to remotely monitor pump health and water line pressure, identify leaks and irregular use, view use levels to ensure water is available, and monitor the volume of wastewater produced at site.

Access your data on any mobile device when you need to understand the total volume of water uses and patterns of use across your operations.

With a complete view of water use on your sites, you can confidently budget your water use and keep within water permit conditions and forecast water levels.

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